Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Q AssignmentsPlease progress through this module as follows:1.Copy and paste the following link and take at least 20 notes from the clip. The notes do not need to be complete sentences. They may be paraphrases or quotes from the video. Be sure to use quotation marks if you use exact words from the clip. Type the notes in Microsoft WORD 12 font and label the file your last name, first initial, and Gilgamesh. For example if I was submitting the file, I would name it GreenAGilgamesh. Save it. Do not submit it yet. You will add to the file before you submit it. These notes are worth 50 points. Learning clip - Introduction to Gilgamesh and its importance in Culture (26 minutes)2. Read the introductory material on Gilgamesh in Vol. A of your textbook pp. 89 – 93. 3. Read The Epic of Gilgamesh pp. 93 – 145. This is not like reading a modern novel. You may choose to listen to the you tube clip below which is a translation close to your text but not exact following along in your book or simply listening to the you tube translation. tube clip – The Epic of Gilgamesh (Complete audiobook) (1 hour, 43 min.)4. Complete the Short Responses below.Choose any four to answer. Your answers should be between 150 to 200 words. Your answers should reflect the information you learned from the introductory material in the textbook, the story of Gilgamesh, and the notes you took from the video. Answer in your own words. Do NOT google answers. That is plagiarism, and you will not get any credit for copied answers. I want your thoughts and your reflections. Type your responses in 12 font Microsoft WORD double spaced. Number your responses to match the number of the question or task below. i.e. if you answer #2 first, your first response will have a number 2 at the beginning of your answer. Each question is worth 25 pts.Write in formal standard English in complete sentences. When you are referring to the literary work Gilgamesh, don’t forget to put the name of the work in italics. You would not italicize the name Gilgamesh, the character. Poor writing will distract from your answers and will cost you points. Save the four responses on the same document as your video notes and submit one file with your last name, first initial, and Gilgamesh. For example if I was submitting the file, I would name it GreenAGilgamesh. 1. Identify three themes or three generalizations the author of Gilgamesh makes with the story of Gilgamesh. Defend your answer with details from the epic. 2. Identify five archetypes in Gilgamesh. Explain how they apply to the epic.3. Explain why Gilgamesh be included in a college course on World Literature? Why is it asignificant literary work?4. Explain how King Gilgamesh is an epic hero using your list of characteristics. (Remember, the entire list might not apply.) Defend your answer.5. Explain how Gilgamesh is epic poetry using the conventions of an epic that apply from your list.6. Explain how Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey theory applies to Gilgamesh and the events that unfold during the epic. Include how King Gilgamesh has changed

Q 2. Identify five archetypes in Gilgamesh. Explain how they apply to the epic.3. Explain why Gilgamesh be included in a college course on World Literature? Why is it a significant literary work?4. Explain how King Gilgamesh is an epic hero using your list of characteristics. (Remember, the entire list might not apply.) Defend your answer.5. Explain how Gilgamesh is epic poetry using the conventions of an epic that apply from your list.

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1. Ancient Images Inspired by the Epic of Gilgamesh 2. Search for friendship and love 3. The real epic is worshipped in cults 4. Akkadian emerges as the language of empire 5. The Old Babylonian Gilgamesh epic is written by an unknown person between 1800-1600 BCE. 6. Babylonian literature is copied out and preserved in libraries of temples and scholars.