Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject



Q 1.The website Wikileaks gets copies of the photos of Osama bin Laden just after he was shot and killed, The photos are now accessible to the public. If you had a news website, would you post the photos on your page? How would you balance freedom of speech with sensitivity and practical concerns?

Q A famous sports star is arrested and accused of raping a young woman. His attorney argues that the sex was consensual. The woman insists it was rape. A radio station names the rape victim. Would you print the victim’s name in your newspaper? Why or why not?3. Another magazine tries to “break the Internet” by posting nude photos of Kim Kardashian. You run a serious news website, aimed at intelligent news consumers. Should you still post a story about the Kardashian photos in order to get lots of page views and more money from advertisers? Would you run the nude photos on your website?4. A friend buys his or her research paper online and tells you about it. What do you do? What do you say to your friend, if anything? What do you say to your friend’s professor, if anything?

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I would have posted the photos on the page and there would be some of the blurring of the images so as to avoid harshness that would fall in the eyes of the leader. There are different types of the issues that are there and also there have been a lot of the issues that are part of it like the sensitivity of the people. There are different types of the people who read the website and it would be unfair to post the images fully thus a little blurring will not be a problem.